Nocashevents How will banning credit card surcharging impact the uptake of PSD2 PISP transactions

How will banning credit card surcharging impact the uptake of PSD2 PISP transactions

PSD2 introduces two measures amongst others that potentially contradict each other and may limit their ability to hit the goals they set out to achieve: Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs) PISPs may initiate a transaction on behalf of the customer directly from their bank account. These transactions will bypass card networks and therefore avoid the costly credit card charges Banning of Surcharging This stops merchants from adding fees on top […]

Nocashevents Business Transformation – Is PSD2 and Open Banking friend or foe for banks?

Business Transformation – Is PSD2 and Open Banking friend or foe for banks?

Waiting at the departure gate at Heathrow Terminal 2, dressed as an eskimo as I didn’t trust the weather reports for Hamburg! The question I started to explore: Is Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2) and Open Banking friend or foe for banks? There are 2 key players influencing change, the European Banking Authority (EBA) who have issued PSD2 and for the UK in addition to PSD2 the Competitions Marketing Authority […]

Nocashevents PSD2: Simplifying the debate on the Regulatory Technical Standards for Strong Customer Authentication

PSD2: Simplifying the debate on the Regulatory Technical Standards for Strong Customer Authentication

In the ongoing discussion on PSD2, in late June the European Banking Authority (EBA) published its opinion on the European Commission’s proposed amendments to the PSD2 draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Strong Customer Authentication and Common and Secure Communication. Below, we’ve included a simplified version of the debate about the amendments to help you navigate PSD2. The EBA’s opinions on the four amendments proposed by the Commission are as […]

Nocashevents PSD2 and blockchain: mutual support

PSD2 and blockchain: mutual support

New rules in Europe aim to change the payments landscape – in the process, they could also boost blockchain development. Europe is about to undergo a massive shift in regulation that will fundamentally change the payments landscape. It’s also likely to give an unexpected boost to blockchain development. Let me explain. It all starts with PSD2, a new payments directive due to come into force in early 2018, aims to […]