Industry explorer and organisation builder Youssef has a very eclectic professional journey jumping from one industry to the other. But there was always a common trend. Youssef was always involved in green field situation.
Being the creation of a IT development team in hightech company, the restructuring of a production facility, the setup of supply chains in a corporate venture, Youssef is really in his confort zone when facing a white page.
After 15 years of corporate world and criss-crossing the planet, from Brazil to Morocco, from Malaysia to Turkey, Youssef decided that the best way to work in a environment that matches his goals, values and interests was to create it.
Passionate about the role of money in our world and the rapid evolution payment systems, he decided to invest his energy and time in creating solutions for an industry which is on the verge to completely transform, the banking industry.
Co-founder with Bogdan Herea of Younify in 2014, a company providing PSD2 solutions for banks- Master of Science Microengineering & Executive MBA. Diploma thesis done at NASA Ames Research Center in US/California on autonomous vehicles for Mars missions.
Younify is providing the users with the bank products they want and the banks with the users they need. We develop elegant and simple, robust and safe products for the banking industry, from eInvoice to Person-to-Person money transfer or payment solutions bridging the users with their banks. Younify Pay: This is our iconic product that allows ebanking users to see the invoice document and then pay it with one click, saving time (for the user and for the bank) and errors. Younify SignMit: Thanks to the European legislation, banks can serve through their secure login mechanism as a trusted entity where an electronic document can be created. We are using this possibility to propose to sign electronically (and thus fully dematerialize the process) any document (Insurance policy, leasing contract, any document in fact) within their ebanking.