NOCASH contributes since 2001 to the development of the electronic payments market in Romania.
The first web platform in Romania for banking products (cards, in 2001) comparison is a NOCASH product launched in a period in which many cards issuers didn’t have a website.
The first Financial Fair in which financial and banking products were sold (ExpoInvest – in 2002) was organized by NO CASH long before the retail banking business explosion in Romania.
In 2004 NOCASH organized the press conference dedicated to the launch of the 3D secure standard in a moment when many Romanians were not familiar with the electronic trade.
NOCASH was the initiator and contributor to the creation of organizations having as scope to represent the interests of the electronic payments industry in the relationship with the authorities – in 2007, The Association for Electronic Payments in Romania.
Over 50 workshops, conferences, round tables, exhibitions, and other events dedicated to the development of the electronic payments industry were organized so far by NOCASH.
In 2016, 20 years since the issuing of the first payment instruments in Romania, NOCASH made the first research relevant at the national level in order to observe the non-cash payment behaviors changes.
NOCASH organizes every year the most important event of the electronic payments industry in Romania, the NOCASH Gala, where excellence awards are granted to the leader of the market, based on the best results in their activity.
NOCASH owns and manages since 2001 the first and the only news platform in Romania dedicated exclusively to the electronic payment industry,