Daniel Nicolescu – Managing Partner & Co-Founder SymphoPay

Starting with May 2015, Daniel is Managing Partner and Co-Founder of SymphoPay, one of the first companies in Europe which is developing a solution designed for retailers who want to enhance customers experience in a multichannel environment by connecting all payments terminals (either fix or mobile) to a central platform capable to integrate marketing and loyalty campaigns in real-time.
Previously, Daniel hold the CEO position for PayU SEE, being responsible with the development of the company on the Romanian market and also on the entire South-Eastern Europe region.
A business strategist with more than 17 years’ experience in the IT industry, ecommerce, online payments and software distribution, Daniel is one of the founders of GECAD ePayment, the Romanian ecommerce integrator acquired by Naspers in 2010 and re-branded to PayU.
Throughout his career, he has played a major role in a number of national and international projects, including the development of RAV Antivirus, security technology acquired by Microsoft in 2003 and Avangate, ecommerce, software distribution and partnership management platform dedicated to software companies around the world.