The HG no. 1130/2021 was published in the Official Gazette. The new Governmental decision details the new rules going into effect starting Monday, 25th October 2021.
According to article 1, line 1 „to prevent the spread of SARSCoV-2 meetings, processions, concerts, spectacles, workshops, conferences and other types of gatherings are forbidden”.
How is the decision affecting Banking 4.0?
The restrictions come into effect starting today, 25 October, for 30 days. Which means the restrictions will end on 24 November, one day prior to the start of Banking 4.0 (25-26 November). 25th of November, the first day of the event will coincide with the first day of restrictions being (partially or totally) lifted. In other words, the in person attendance will be possible with a green passport (indicating a full vaccination scheme or recovery).
The current situation points in the right direction (which means there is a silver lining)
People are queuing up to get the jab. According to The National Committee for Vaccination against COVID-19 and The National Health Institute it is the first time when we have three straight days with more than 100.000 people vaccinated (Friday – 128.014, Saturday – 127.309, Sunday – 110.539).
According to, almost 6 million people were fully vaccinated, representing 30.5% of total. In Bucharest, the tally is almost double, as 56% of the population have the complete scheme.
In the meantime, on Friday a massive vaccination campaign started in Bucharest. Up until this morning, 6 vaccination centers working 24/7, have done a tremendous job, providing numbers beyond any expectation: more than 45.000 residents over the weekend. Even half this number will bring us to 70% in the next 30 days.
In these circumstances, in the less likely eventuality of the Government extending the restrictions, we expect that the process will be selective (the cities / regions that have reached the 70% threshold will be exempted).
The current figures reveal that we are plateauing. According to CNCCI, today at 10.00, in the last 24 hours, there have been 9.187 positive cases of Covid. Because in the last 24 hours, we are shy of 10.000 cases, the experts expect that the numbers will start to slumber in the next couple of weeks.
Even so, a gradual decline in the numbers won’t guarantee a restriction lift. But the probability becomes bigger. To make sure that we are doing our part, we chose Imperial ONE – an event venue authorised by ISU for 1.800 attendees. Out of an abundance of caution we limited the number of in person attendees to only 300 a day.
Nevertheless, because safety is our highest priority, the final decision will be taken by the organizing committee of Banking 4.0 in two weeks. But, regardless of the form it will have in the end, we are committed to delivering an international event at the highest standards, with 60 speakers from 25 countries.