Staffing reductions are spreading quickly across the crypto industry. Latest Coinbase’s layoffs suggest crypto’s problems are spreading.

Coinbase, one of the main ways people buy and sell crypto assets (with a self-proclaimed 98 million users) and a top barometer for the industry’s health, is cutting its workforce by 18%. On Monday, crypto lender Blockfi and the exchange both announced they are cutting their workforces in light of the down market and a rough outlook for the rest of 2022. BlockFi plans to lay off 20% of its workers and […]

Crypto lender Celsius is ‘risking insolvency’ after it pauses withdrawals. The company has received an unsolicited acquisition offer from rival Nexo Financial.

Celsius is one of the largest centralized gateways to crypto. It raised $864m of venture capital and at one point custodied over $3 billion of funds for 1m+ customers. As of today, it appears insolvent, and it’s taking the whole crypto market with it. Crypto lender Celsius Network said on Sunday evening it would pause all withdrawals and transfers for customers as crypto assets continued to get battered. “Due to […]

Mastercard brings its payments network to Web3 and NFTs

an article written by RAJ DHAMODHARAN, Executive Vice President, Digital Asset & Blockchain Products & Partnerships We believe the process of buying an NFT needs to be easier and safer. When that happens, customers get the things they want with less stress and uncertainty. For NFT creators, these changes grow their potential customer base to millions more people all over the world. We’ve been innovating over the past year to make these […]

RE/MAX Romania enters into a partnership with Tradesilvania to make real estate trading with cryptocurrencies possible

RE/MAX Romania, which is a part of the real estate world leader and the number 1 franchise in this segment globally, announces its entering into a partnership with Tradesilvania, a digital investment platform specialized in cryptocurrency trading, which is meant to offer customers the opportunity to make secure real estate transactions by means of digital assets. This partnership, unique in Romania, is a trend that also exists on other markets […]

NFT Trading expected to form 10% of all Crypto trading by 2025

While the world grappled with the downsides of the COVID-19 pandemic, the crypto space registered unprecedented booms, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in particular registered a meteoric rise in their adoption in 2021. That said, available data points to NFTs continuing to contribute a small percentage of the crypto sector’s revenues. has been analyzing trends within the crypto space. It projects that income from crypto and NFT marketplaces will surpass the $70B […]

The Luna collapse showed us that regulated crypto is the future

Understanders say “What did we say?” after the cryptocurrency Luna collapsed. But the Luna collapse was good for the future of crypto, writes Jens Glasø. The CEO of Spenn Technology gave a keynote speech at Banking 4.0. After Luna crashed, the discussion about crypto has flared up sharply. For many, Luna became a new proof that crypto is too unstable to play an important role in the financial system. For me, it […]

Binance Labs closes $500M investment fund to boost blockchain, web3, and value-building technologies

The new fund will invest in projects that can expand cryptocurrency use cases and drive the adoption of Web 3 and blockchain technologies. The new fund will invest in three different stages: incubation, early-stage venture, and late-stage growth.  Binance Labs, the venture capital and incubation arm of Binance, announces the closing of a new $500 million investment fund. The fund is supported by leading global institutional investors such as DST Global […]

Banking 4.0 Analytics – aproape 11.000 views in doua zile de transmisie live

Datele din analytics releva ca pe durata celor doua zile de transmisie live, conferinta internationala Banking 4.0 a inregistrat 10.900 views, dintre care 2.000 pe canalele NOCASH. Durata medie petrecuta pentru a urmari prezentarile si panelurile coferintei a fost de aproape 47 minute in prima zi si de 29 de minute in ziua a doua. In ziua a doua, transmisia a fost promovata si pe canalul de youtube al lui Daniel Mihai, MC-ul […]

1 milion de romani au investit in criptomonede peste 400 mil. euro – studiu. La nivel individual, intentia este de a aloca si mai multi bani pentru achizitii, in urmatorul an.

Barbat, persoana cu studii superioare, in varsta de 43 de ani, cu venituri medii de aproximativ 4000 lei/luna este profilul investitorului de cripto din Romania. Acest profil este valabil pentru populatia online, cu acces la internet, potrivit unei cercetari de piata realizate de iSense Solutions, la solicitarea NOCASH.RO. In Romania, populatia online cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 65 de ani este evaluata la 5 mil. de persoane, potrivit lui Andrei […]

Worldline launches virtual showroom in Metaverse

Worldline, a global leader in payment services, announces it is one of the first payments companies to enter the Metaverse with the launch of a dedicated virtual showroom. „The company aims to bridge the gap between the network of virtual worlds and the real world for e-Commerce enterprises and provide its merchants with the opportunities needed to benefit fully from the incredible potential the Metaverse has to offer,” according to […]