Banking 4.0 Analytics – aproape 11.000 views in doua zile de transmisie live

Datele din analytics releva ca pe durata celor doua zile de transmisie live, conferinta internationala Banking 4.0 a inregistrat 10.900 views, dintre care 2.000 pe canalele NOCASH. Durata medie petrecuta pentru a urmari prezentarile si panelurile coferintei a fost de aproape 47 minute in prima zi si de 29 de minute in ziua a doua. In ziua a doua, transmisia a fost promovata si pe canalul de youtube al lui Daniel Mihai, MC-ul […]

Brett King, voted the world’s #1 Financial Services Influencer – message to the Banking 4.0 audience

Under the slogan „compliance alone is a losing strategy”, the 2019 edition of Banking 4.0 will be focused on the new emerging technologies that will change the financial services market and banking industry in the coming years: AI, blockchain, machine learning, robotic process automation (RPA) and instant payments, to name just a few. Who can possibly knows better then Brett King, the author of best seller book Bank 4.0, how […]

LUXHUB launches best in class API Product for account aggregation. The company is coming to Banking 4.0

After developing one of the leading European Open Banking platforms allowing banks to smoothly comply with the PSD2 regulation, LUXHUB unveils LUXHUB One, „a fast and simple solution for banks and third-party providers to leverage Open Banking without experiencing the amount of work involved to implement fragmented APIs.”, according to the press release. LUXHUB One represents an integration layer that allows access to any financial institution via a unified API, […]