„From PSD2 to Open Finance that actually works” – keynote speech at Banking 4.0 delivered by the CEO of Eurobits Technologies, the first Account Information Service in Europe

„From PSD2 to Open Finance that actually works” is the theme of the keynote speech that Arturo Gonzales Mac Dowell will deliver at international digital banking conference Banking 4.0, on 25 November. „When the EU drafted PSD2, it stepped into unchartered territory. Unregulated open banking had existed since the very late 90’s in the US, and from the early 2000’s in the EU. However, regulating some aspects of open banking […]

„How bank’s business and operating models will change” – keynote speech at Banking 4.0 deliver by Global Head of payments and open banking at Finastra

„How bank’s business and operating models will change” is the theme of the keynote speech that Anders Olofsson, Head of of payments at Finastra, wil deliver at Banking 4.0, on 26 November. „I will be talking about the finance mega trends and how these will be forcing banks to transform their business model and how their operating model will be impacted by new concepts such as banking as a service,” […]

CBI Hub Cloud project – Nexi and SIA to redesign payments network in Italy. „This marks the beginning of a revolution in advanced multibank digital services.” SIA is coming to Banking 4.0

Italian payment provider consortium CBI has appointed existing partners Nexi and SIA to redesign the architecture that links its Payment Service Provider (PSP) clients to banks. It is expected the new architecture will be ready for testing by the end of 2022. CBI, the hub for technological innovation and digitalization of the financial industry, has entrusted Nexi and SIA to redesign the technological architecture of interconnection between all banks and […]