Instant Factoring uses blockchain technology to check if a claim has been divested – costs drop by 96%!

Instant Factoring, a Romanian fintech platform for factoring, has developed an application that allows access to the verification of claims assigned by a company by creating an alternative registration and verification system based on blockchain technology.

SIA: Gold Partner at “Banking 4.0” international conference, November 27, 2018, in Bucharest

SIA is an European leader in the design, creation and management of technology infrastructures and services for Financial Institutions, Central Banks, Corporates and the Public Sector.  The company is able to render its services in 48 countries. It operates through subsidiaries in Austria, Germany, Romania, Hungary and South Africa. The company also has branches in Belgium and the Netherlands, and representation offices in the UK and Poland.

Premiere la Gala NOCASH: lansarea editiei locale a Elevator Lab Challenge, cel mai mare accelerator fintech din Europa Centrala si de Est

Din 7 mai, start-up-urile ce activeaza in domeniile Advanced Analitycs, RegTech, Corporate Banking, Investing & Trading Tech, New Branch Experience si Open Banking, se pot inrola in cea de-a doua editie a celui mai mare program de accelerare fintech din Europa Centrala si de Est:

Gala NOCASH – nominalizarile pentru activitatea din 2017

A mai ramas o saptamana pana la aflarea liderilor din industria cardurilor si a platilor electronice. Pana atunci, va prezentam lista cu nominalizarile pentru cele trei mari categorii de premii, care nu se acorda pe baza de date statistice ci in urma voturilor exprimate de specialistii din domeniu. Asadar, nominalizarile Galei NOCASH pentru activitatea din 2017 se prezinta dupa cum urmeaza: PREMIERA ANULUI Banca Transilvania – pentru o noua premiera […]

KPMG workshop at Fintech Banking Summit

KPMG is one of the top international brand companies that will have both presentation and workshop within NOCASH event: PSD2. New Business Models – Fintech Banking Summit. The topics covered are very sensitive aspects related to PSD2 and digital transformation process of the banks. 1. Deep Dive into the building blocks of PSD2: . Requirements from banks to allow access to third parties; . Split of liability between clients, banks […]

How will banning credit card surcharging impact the uptake of PSD2 PISP transactions

PSD2 introduces two measures amongst others that potentially contradict each other and may limit their ability to hit the goals they set out to achieve: Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs) PISPs may initiate a transaction on behalf of the customer directly from their bank account. These transactions will bypass card networks and therefore avoid the costly credit card charges Banning of Surcharging This stops merchants from adding fees on top […]

EBA rejects Commission amendments on screen scraping under PSD2

The latest twist in the ongoing row between banks and fintech companies over the future of customer data sharing under the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) comes courtesy of the European Banking Authority, which has rejected a proposed amendment to the rules from the European Commission that would have allowed for the continuation of screen scraping. Writing in response to the European Commission’s (EC) intention to amend the EBA’s draft […]

EBA publishes its opinion in response to the EC intention to amend the EBA Technical Standards for open and secure electronic payments under the PSD2

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published an Opinion responding to the European Commission’s (EC) intention to amend the EBA’s draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer authentication and common and secure communication. In its Opinion, while agreeing with the aims sought in the EC’s amendments, the EBA voices its disagreement with three of the four concrete amendments the Commission proposes on the basis that it would negatively impact the […]

EBA publishes Final Guidelines on Professional Indemnity Insurance under PSD2

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its final Guidelines under the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2), on the criteria on how to stipulate the minimum monetary amount of the professional indemnity insurance (PII) or other comparable guarantee for payment initiation services (PIS) and account information services (AIS). Undertakings intending to carry out these services will need PII cover or a comparable guarantee as a prerequisite to be granted authorisation. […]